Notícias da Comissão Directiva
Prémios atribuídos no IO2021
Prizes awarded during IO2021
The APDIO IO2021 Award, designed to reward the best PhD thesis in Operational Research successfully defended in 2018, 2019 and 2020, was awarded ex aequo to:
![]() | - Filipe Manuel Gonçalves Rodrigues (2019) Inventory Routing under Uncertainty. Universidade de Aveiro. |
| - Maria Beatriz Brito Oliveira (2018) Fleet and Revenue Management in Car Rental: Quantitative Approaches for Optimization Under Uncertainty. Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. |
The Augusto Queirós Novais Award is intended to reward the best paper published in 2018, 2019 and 2020 by APDIO members in the area of Process Systems Engineering and was awarded to the article:
- Fábio Neves-Moreira, Bernardo Almada-Lobo, Jean-François Cordeau, Luís Guimarães, Raf Jans. (2019) "Solving a large multi-product production-routing problem with delivery time windows". Omega, Volume 86, Pages 154-172,
The Top5 IO2021 Award was given to the 5 best posters, taking into account aspects such as aesthetics, efficiency in getting the message across, originality, methodology and the results presented:
- Poster #8 - Um método exato para problemas bilevel lineares com múltiplas funções objetivo no nível inferior -Maria João Alves, Carlos Henggeler Antunes
- Poster #28 - Planning visits of home care teams with continuity of care and synchronization - a case study - Ana Raquel de Aguiar, Isabel Gomes, Tânia Ramos
- Poster #46 - The integrated 2D-CVRPTW with cargo loading and balance constraints - Elsa Silva, Ana Moura, António G. Ramos
- Poster #53 - Optimizing monitoring equipment investment for an asset portfolio with multiple-failure modes - Luis Dias, Armando Leitão, Luis Guimarães
- Poster #54 - Capacity allocation considering fairness metrics: a Pharmaceutical Supply Chain case study - Catarina Bessa, Raquel Duque, Alexandre Jesus, Cristóvão Silva, Samuel Moniz