Submissão ao EstudIO / EstudIO Submission Submissão ao EstudIO / EstudIO Submission

In the 2018 Congress of the Portuguese Association of Operational Research, the EstudIO initiative will continue, maintaining the same format as a regular parallel session within the conference program.

What are the required conditions to present in EstudIO?

You need to be, at the time of the Congress, a BSc or MSc student from a higher education institution; to submit an extended abstract, and be selected.
Submissions from students that have finished their degree in the 2017/2018 academic year are also allowed.

What are the advantages of submitting to EstudIO?

The Congress registration fee will be offered to the students selected for EstudIO, with all the benefits of a regular student registration. This registration includes the APDIO annual membership fee, offered by the APDIO Directory Board, and the book of abstracts offered by the Organizing Committee.
Selected abstracts will have a special reserved space in the book of abstracts. All conference participants will be invited to vote for the best work presented in the EstudIO session. In the conference closing session, the winner will be announced and will receive a diploma.

How to apply and how is the selection process?

1st stage

An extended abstract, with no more than two pages, must be sent to Joana Dias ( before the 9th of March, 2018 29th of March, 2018. The abstract should be submitted in a pdf file and should respect the following structure:
(1) Problem description;
(2) Problem relevance;
(3) Methodology used to solve the problem;
(4) Results (optional).
Applicants will be notified about the result of the submission to EstudIO before the 29th of March, 2018 9th of April, 2018.
Abstracts that are not selected can be submitted to the Congress through the regular submission process, before the 16th of April, 2018.

2nd stage

Applicants whose abstracts have been accepted in the 1st stage will be requested to submit, before the 16th of April, 2018, a revised version of the abstract. It should follow the same structure and it should incorporate feedback received at the time of the acceptance notification.
Students with accepted abstracts are requested to register in the Congress as "EstudIO student" before the 31st of May, 2018.