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Nomeados para o Prémio Isabel Themido 2022

Prémio Isabel Themido 2022 / The Isabel Themido award

O Prémio Isabel Themido destina-se a galardoar os melhores artigos publicados por sócios da APDIO. Este prémio é financiado por um Fundo de Capital constituído por uma dotação gerada no âmbito do Congresso IFORS'93 (realizado em Lisboa) e por doações complementares.


Os nomeados ao Prémio Isabel Themido 2022 e que cumprem todas as condições previstas no regulamento do prémio são os seguintes:


Ana C.L. Vieira et al., Enhancing knowledge construction processes within multicriteria decision analysis: The Collaborative Value Modelling framework. Omega 94 (2020) 102047

Ana Sara Costa et al., A robust hierarchical nominal multicriteria classification method based on similarity and dissimilarity. European Journal of Operational Research 286 (2020) 986–1001

Ana Teixeira et al., A mixed integer nonlinear multiperiod model for supply chain management of a company in the retail sector. RAIRO-Oper. Res. 55 (2021) 997-1013

Andreia P. Guerreiro e Carlos M. Fonseca, An analysis of the Hypervolume Sharpe-Ratio Indicator. European Journal of Operational Research 283 (2020) 614–629

Beatriz B. Oliveira et al., A co-evolutionary matheuristic for the car rental capacity-pricing stochastic problem. European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019) 637–655

Filipe Rodrigues et al., An exact robust approach for the integrate d b erth allocation and quay crane scheduling problem under uncertain arrival times. European Journal of Operational Research 295 (2021) 499–516

Inês Soares et al., A deterministic bounding procedure for the global optimization of a bi-level mixed-integer problem. European Journal of Operational Research 291 (2021) 52–66

Margarida Carvalho et al., Robust Models for the Kidney Exchange Problem. INFORMS Journal on Computing 33(3):861–881, 2020

Marina A. Matos et al., Improving additivemanufacturing performance by build orientation optimization. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2020) 107:1993–2005

Marina A. Matos et al., Many-objective optimization of build part orientation in additive manufacturing. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (2021) 112:747–762

Mário Amorim-Lopes et al., Enhancing optimization planning models for health human resources management with foresight . Omega 103 (2021) 102384

Mário Amorim-Lopes et al., Improving picking performance at a large retailer warehouse by combining probabilistic simulation, optimization, and discrete-event simulation. Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. 28 (2021) 687–715

Miguel Alves Pereira et al., Using a Choquet integral-based approach for incorporating decision-maker's preference judgments in a Data Envelopment Analysis model. European Journal of Operational Research 284 (2020) 1016–1030

Paola Cappanera et al., Temporal constraints and device management for the Skill VRP: Mathematical model and lower bounding techniques. Computers and Operations Research 124 (2020) 105054

Telmo Pinto et al., Variable neighborhood search algorithms for the vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints and mixed linehauls and backhauls. Intl. Trans. in Op. Res. 27 (2020) 549–572

Teresa Cardoso-Grilo et al., Fostering long-term care planning in practice: extending objectives and advancing stochastic treatment within location-allocation modelling. European Journal of Operational Research 291 (2021) 1041–1061

Tolga Bektas et al., Revisiting the Hamiltonian p-median problem: A new formulation on directed graphs and a branch-and-cut algorithm. European Journal of Operational Research 276 (2019) 40–64




Foram consideradas não elegíveis seis nomeações em que nenhum dos autores era considerado sócio da APDIO e uma nomeação para um artigo já com data de 2022:


Cristiane Ferreira et al., Scheduling Human-Robot Teams in collaborative working cells. Int. J. Production Economics 235 (2021) 108094

João N.C. Gonçalves et al., A multivariate approach for multi-step demand forecasting in assembly industries: Empirical evidence from an automotive supply chain. Decision Support Systems 142 (2021) 113452

Laura Wagner et al., On the Value of Subscription Models for Online Grocery Retail. European Journal of Operational Research 294 (2021) 874–894

Luis Dias (INESC TEC) et al., Resource definition and allocation for a multi-asset portfolio with heterogeneous degradation. Reliability Engineering and System Safety 213 (2021) 107768

M. Joseane F. G. Macêdo et al., Filter-based stochastic algorithm for global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization (2020) 77:777–805

Xavier Andrade et al., Product line selection of fast-moving consumer goods. Omega 102 (2021) 102389



O vencedor será anunciado no decurso do Congresso IO2022.