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Miguel Bastos Araújo

Self-organisation of complex networks in ecology

Networks are convenient abstractions to characterize interactions between objects. Because the dynamic behaviour of networks is difficult to study in real time, researchers often examine the resulting patterns of connections between the objects. These patterns are termed network topologies or architectures and have emerging properties that are being documented across systems, from the internet to society and ecosystems. In this talk, I will provide evidence for striking regularities in the behaviour of ecological networks from local to global scales. I will show that departures from expected theoretical topologies are related to strong human disturbances, and that the local configuration of network topologies adaptively and predictably changes to maximise ecosystem resilience to these disturbances. I argue that ongoing research will provide a baseline expectation to understand and predict the consequences of human pressures on ecosystem dynamics, and that the relevance of these findings will extend well beyond the boundaries of ecological research.    


Miguel Bastos Araújo holds a PhD in Geography from London University College London. He was a researcher at the Natural History Museum in London, at the Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (CNRS), in Montpellier, at the University of Oxford and a Full Professor at the Universities of Copenhagen and Imperial College London. He currently holds the Chair of Biodiversity at the University of Évora and is a coordinating researcher at the Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de Madrid (CSIC). He is a member of the National Council for Environment and Sustainable Development and scientific advisor to the NATO Program for Science, Peace and Security. He studies the spatial-temporal distribution of living organisms and their relationship with climate, having developed pioneering work in the treatment of uncertainty in biogeographic models. He is particularly interested in the design of decision tools that enable optimal solutions for biodiversity and society. In 2021 he was identified by Thomson Reuters at the top of the hot list of the world's most influential climate researchers. He has received several awards, including the Ernst Haeckel awards, presented by the European Ecological Federation (2019); Rey Jaume I, presented by the Kings of Spain (2016); Wolfson Research, by the Royal Society of London (2014); Ebbe Nielsen, by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (2013); MacArthur and Wilson, by the International Biogeography Society (2013); Prémio Pessoa (2018) and Prémio Nacional de Ambiente Fernando Pereira.

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José Rui Figueira e Filipe Froes

O indicador de impacto da pandemia do IST e da OM e outros ensinamentos da pandemia: Uma abordagem baseada em técnicas de investigação operacional


A pandemia de Covid-19 causou danos e rupturas impressionantes nos sistemas sociais, económicos e de saúde (entre outros), e apresentou desafios sem precedentes para a saúde pública e decisores sobre a concepção e implementação de medidas para mitigar os seus fortes impactos negativos. As autoridades de saúde portuguesas utilizaram algumas técnicas de análise de decisão para avaliar o impacto desta pandemia e implementar medidas para cada concelho, região ou todo o país. Tais ferramentas de decisão levaram a algumas críticas e  várias partes interessadas pediram novas abordagens, em particular, aquelas que têm em conta mudanças dinâmicas no comportamento pandémico decorrentes, por exemplo, de novas variantes de vírus ou vacinas. Uma equipa multidisciplinar formada por investigadores da Comissão Covid-19 do Instituto Superior Técnico da Universidade de Lisboa (equipa de analistas do CCIST) e médicos do Gabinete de Crise da Ordem dos Médicos (equipa de especialistas do GCOM) reuniu esforços e trabalharam juntos para propor uma nova ferramenta para apoiar os políticos e decisores no combate à pandemia. Esta sessão plenária apresenta os principais passos e elementos que levaram à construção de um indicador compósito de avaliação de impacto da pandemia, aplicado ao caso particular da Covid-19 em Portugal. Uma abordagem de multi-critério baseada num modelo de agregação de teoria de valor multi-atributo foi usada para construir o indicador composto de avaliação de pandemia (PACI). Os parâmetros do modelo aditivo foram construídos por meio de um processo interactivo de co-construção entre os membros das equipes CCIST e GCOM. O método do baralho de cartas foi a ferramenta técnica adotada para auxiliar na construção das funções de valor e na construção dos pesos dos critérios. A ferramenta final foi apresentada em conferência de imprensa e teve forte impacto nos meios de comunicação social portugueses, bem como nos principais decisores de saúde do país.
O Indicador de Avaliação da Pandemia e a sua utilidade contribuíram para demonstrar a importância da multidisciplinaridade dos diferentes saberes, particularmente em situações desafiantes. Saibamos aprender as lições desta pandemia para que, no futuro, o impacto na vida de todos nós possa ser melhor antecipado e minimizado.


Palavras-chave: Covid-19, Indicador compósito, Análise de Decisão, Programação Linear, Simulação.  



José Rui Figueira is currently a Full Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico – IST, with previous lecturing experiences at University of Evora, University of Coimbra and Nancy's School of Mines (where he got a Full Professor position). He´s a former member of LAMSADE, INESC-Coimbra, and DIMACS (Rutgers and Princeton Universities) research centers. Professor Figueira is the co-editor of the book, "Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of the Art Surveys, Springer Science + Business Media, Inc, 2016 (2nd Edition). He's currently the elected President of the International Society of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making and serves as a Coordinator of the European Working Group on Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding. He's on the Editorial Board and Associate Editor of EJOR (European Journal of Operational Research) and an Associate Editor of JMCDA (Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis) and EAIA (Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence), as well as a member of the advisory board of other scientific international journals. He was awarded with the Gold Medal of International Society of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making 1n 2017 in Ottawa, Canada.


Filipe Froes, MD, PhD. Respiratory Medicine and Intensive Care Consultant. Head of Intensive Care Unit of Hospital Pulido Valente - Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte. PhD in Public Health - Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Advisor to the Portuguese Directorate-General for Health / Department of Health. Member of the Portuguese National Council for Public Health. 

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João Silva

Desafio Tecnológico - Vale da Rosa

Vale da Rosa, produtora de uva de mesa prende-se com a falta de mão-de-obra qualificada, sendo que essa mão-de-obra apresenta uma grande rotatividade de ano para ano. As operações culturais desenvolvidas na cultura afim de melhorar a qualidade final do produto, são neste sistema de produção "Pergola" exclusivamente manuais. No entanto, para o controlo fitossanitário, hídrico da cultura e monitorização qualitativa antes da colheita já existem alguns modelos desenvolvidos que nos ajudam e são indicativos para a cultura de uva de mesa.

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Sriram Narayanan

Community Engaged Supply Chains


The talk will focus on the idea of making supply chains more community focused. I will present evidence for why both research and practice needs to focus on the interface of supply chains and communities, post-COVID. Long-run viability of businesses and their ability to innovate may also depend on taking community factors into account. The ideas that we I will discuss will present include many dimensions of the UN sustainable development goals and are central to promoting inclusion and combating challenges that businesses and communities collectively face in an emerging era of climate change. I will present examples and findings from several current research projects.


Sriram Narayanan is a Full Professor of Supply Chain Management at the Broad College of Business, Michigan State University (MSU). He earned his doctoral degree in Operations, Technology, and Innovation Management at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Sriram's primary research interests are in innovation, organizational productivity, sustainability, and inclusion in supply chains. In his research he attempts to blend practice and theories, and many of his academic papers are directly drawn from industry environments. He has won multiple awards for teaching, research, community engagement, and service including the John D. and Dorotha, J. Withrow Endowed Emerging Research Scholar Award; Community-Engaged Partnership Award at Michigan State University, the Lilly Fellowship (MSU) - a select university wide fellowship, and Broad Integrative Fellowship (MSU).  He holds/has held editorial positions in several top-tier journals including Management ScienceManufacturing and Service Operations JournalProduction and Operations Management JournalJournal of Operations Management and Decision Sciences JournalService ScienceIEEE Transactions of Engineering Management and Journal of Business Logistics.