Submissão de Artigos / Paper submission
Papers accepted after the revision process are to be published in the "Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics series". These series are indexed by SCOPUS, so IO2017 proceedings should also be indexed. Indexation "MathSciNet" is also expected. Paper to be pubshed in this edition must be in English.
Papers are submitted using the OpenConf system. Follow this link for submission.
The submission procedure consists in providing authors data and the corresponding abstract, which is limited to 200 words, using the link "Make Submission". After submiting the abstact the PDF file with the paper must be submitted, using the link "Upload File", providing the abstract ID. A later submited file will replace the previous one.
The corresponding author must attend the conference and deliver the talk.
Please be alert to the deadline for the paper submission.
The paper abstract, included in the PDF, will not be used as a conference abstract, since there are constraints in the conference abstract. Please use the abstract submission system to submit a paper adapted abstract.
Papers are to be submitted in PDF, whose source is in LaTeX. The article document class should be used (\documentclass[a4paper,10pt,twoside]{article}), avoiding to include non standard LaTeX package. After paper acceptance instruction will be given about the final format, submitted in a zip file with all the necessary files for compilation.
Papers are subject to a blind revision process.
Paper should have a maximum of 12 pages, having in mind that the number of pages must be consistent with the paper contribution.