Eventos Organizados pela APDIO Eventos Organizados pela APDIO

2019-04-29 Prémios IO2019 - Candidaturas

Prémio Isabel Themido

Elementos do Júri da edição de 2019

José Dias Coelho (Presidente), NOVA SBE

Carlos Ferreira, Univ. Aveiro

Manuel Matos, FEUP

Margarida Vaz Pato, ISEG ULisboa

Jorge Orestes Cerdeira, FCT NOVA


Lista de Candidaturas



(Sócio nº)

Outros autores

Artigo, ano


Abílio Pacheco


J. Claro

Operational flexibility in forest fire prevention and suppression:

a spatially explicit intra‑annual optimization analysis, considering

prevention, (pre)suppression, and escape costs, 2018

European Journal of Forest Research

Beatriz Oliveira (1340)


MA Carravilla, JF Oliveira

Fleet and revenue management in car rental companies: A literature review and an integrated conceptual framework, 2017


Beatriz Oliveira (1340)  


MA Carravilla, JF Oliveira

Integrating pricing and capacity decisions in car rental: A matheuristic approach, 2018

Operations Research Perspectives

Bernardo Almada-Lobo



FN Moreira, DP Silva, L Guimarães, P Amorim

The time window assignment vehicle routing problem with product dependent deliveries, 2018

Transportation Research E

Bruna Mota (1379)


MI Gomes, A Carvalho, AP Póvoa

Sustainable supply chains: An integrated modeling approach under uncertainty, 2018


Catarina Marques



S Moniz, JP Sousa

Strategic decision-making in the pharmaceutical industry: A unified decision-making framework, 2018

Computers and Chemical Engineering

Diogo Ferreira



RC Marques, AM Nunes

Economies of scope in the health sector: The case of Portuguese hospitals, 2018

European Journal of Operational Research

Diogo Ferreira


RC Marques, AM Nunes, JR Figueira

Patients' satisfaction: The medical appointments valence in Portuguese public hospitals, 2018


Diogo Ferreira


RC Marques, MI Pedro

Explanatory variables driving the technical efficiency of European

seaports: An order-α approach dealing with imperfect knowledge, 2018

Transportation Research E

Inês Marques



H Vermuyten, JN Rosa, J Beliën, AP Póvoa

Integrated staff scheduling at a medical emergency service: An

optimisation approach, 2018

Expert Systems With Applications

Pedro Amorim



E Curcio, Q Zhang, B Almada-Lobo

Adaptation and Approximate Strategies for Solving the Lot-sizing and Scheduling Problem Under Multistage Demand Uncertainty, 2018

International Journal of Production Economics

Teresa Bianchi-Aguiar



E Silva, L Guimarães, MA Carravilla, JF Oliveira

Allocating products on shelves under merchandising rules: Multi-level product families with display directions, 2018
